Jackson Robert!!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

10 weeks

10 weeks already.... sadly it really is more like, "Only 10 weeks?" 
Apparently, this is what 10 weeks brings us: Baby’s crown to rump length is 2.5-3.0 cm. Your baby weighs about 3-5 grams. All of your baby’s organ systems are present now. Your baby’s facial features are formed now. Right now, your baby’s head is very large in comparison to the rest of her body. Your baby’s head makes up half of your baby’s size.

This past weekend we had the opportunity to see my sister and her husband, and their son Connor. Also, my sister Kalyn came over. WHY? To assist me in baby-sitting Conner for the day while Kate and Patrick were at a wedding. He is already almost 4 months old. And lets just say, it was a good experience. To add to our chaos, Nate and I have a new 4-legged baby. We adopted an 8 week old puppy from the humane society. Her name is Eleanor. Not only have we already had to take her to the vet for IV fluids, and antibiotics, she is now growing into a real handful. They say a puppy is good experience for a baby. If so, I am in trouble! I don't have the most patience for her. Especially when I just get in from taking her outside and she pees on the floor 2 minutes later. GRRR. 

A couple pictures are posted below: 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

8 Weeks

Today, I am 8 weeks pregnant. My mom called today while I was at work and informed me, "8 down, 32 to go." Thanks, right?!?! I am continuing to not feel well, which I know is a good thing. However, it is getting annoying. I am feeling a little better throughout the day, but sleeping is a battle. I struggle getting to sleep and toss and turn a lot. I have become a very light sleeper as well. Bad combination. I continue to go to the bathroom at least 3 times a night!

I read a week by week pregnancy update. At 8 weeks it says: "Baby’s crown to rump length is 12 mm. Baby weighs about 1 gram. Baby’s external ears are forming. Her/His primary or “baby” teeth buds are forming now. Her/His permanent teeth buds will be formed later. Baby’s optic nerve and eye lids are also forming. You can’t feel your baby moving yet but her/his arms and legs are moving now."

Isn't that crazy to think about!!! At the ultrasound (almost a week ago) I was pretty sure I could make out the eyes and arms. Now to think that those arms and legs are moving is just amazing! It is so much fun to imagine and think about all the changes that are taking place. We are praying that the little ones heart continues to beat so he/she continues to grow and develop.

I had my first doctor appointment on Friday, May 29th. The visit was just an initial consultation with the RN. Now let me preface this with saying I left the best OB-GYN and staff when we had to move to Madison. All of our suffering would have been ten times worse if it hadn't been for their support, education and availability. My OB-GYN would call me just to check on me. I told my husband that I would do anything to continue to see him. Unfortunately, the 2 hour drive and the fact that my insurance would not cover them has sort of eliminated that idea. So, I am meeting with this nurse, who was pleasant, but just wasn't what I needed. She was disorganized and a bit cold. Now maybe I am just overreacting (not like that happens during pregnancy at all) but after I left I just felt so uneasy. Hopefully my next appointment on June 10th will go better. I still won't even see the OB-GYN until I am at 12 weeks!!!! So of course, after I left my first appointment, I called my old OB-GYN and spoke with his nurse, Molly. She made me feel so much better!!!!