Where is December going? It's been awhile since I wrote again...On Wednesday we had our 36 week visit and our last baby class :) Besides doing the strep B test, the visit was routine. As he was checking the position of the little guy to make sure he is still head down he said, "oh, you're having a contraction now." And since then, I have been having many contractions. They come and go, and are not consistant, but I like to think this little guy wants to come early so he doesn't miss out on all the Christmas Fun!!! I guess time will tell. The contractions are usually in the evening, so it makes my relaxing time pretty non existant. Not to mention, we always seem to have things to do around the house or errands to run so I don't have much down time. Especially with still working over 40 hours a week. My ankles sure are swollen at the end of the day. Its a good thing its winter or I am sure it would be 10x worse! My biggest complaint in the past couple weeks have been my lack of sleep. I have a very difficult time getting comfortable, and when I do it seems like one of my many bathroom trips is just around the corner. And secondly, because of swelling, my hands go numb quite easily. Its difficult to sleep on your side when your hands go numb from doing so. In the morning my joints feel like an 80 year old with arthritis. They are painful to open and close because of the swelling. Let's just say that I'd much rather be up with a baby than up due to swelling and peeing :)
Tonight we had a baby shower with Nate's co-workers. We got some very nice gifts and must have gotten some motivation to get the babys room finished because dare I say it, but I think the nursery is DONE!!! It has been quite the project, which Nate has spent the majority of the time on, but I think it turned out really nice. I will have to take on the project of washing everything in the next couple weeks. I started the bedding tonight. I will post some pictures of the belly and the nursery as soon as I get around to it.
We start seeing the doctor weekly, so we'll have an update on any progress next week.
Stand By.....
We start seeing the doctor weekly, so we'll have an update on any progress next week.
Stand By.....
34 weeks, 6 days (12/7/09 - my 27th bday)