Jackson Robert!!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not so Hot!

WARNING: So lately, for about the past couple weeks, I have not enjoyed this whole pregnancy thing has not been very fun! And to think, everything I read tells me that you start feeling better during the second trimester. Well, this hasn't been the case for me yet! I have started getting pretty regular headaches, which are miserable. I have continued to have an unbelievable amount of bloating/gassy feelings. Rolaids are helpful at times, but nighttime is the worse. I was thinking it was maybe because I was eating too close to going to bed, but changing my ways still hasn't made a difference. It is very hard for me to get comfortable, and I seem to toss and turn throughout the whole night. I am also having increased "cramping" type pains in my sides. I suppose this is because my stomach is trying to allow space for a baby but right now it sure is uncomfortable.

So, moral of this post: Not sleeping well and not feeling well makes for a crabby Karyn. And Nate makes it worse. BEWARE!

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