Jackson Robert!!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

26+ weeks

Hi! Here we are, at 26 weeks and 4 days...
I am continuing to try and enjoy every moment of being pregnant, especially because I know it will be over before I know it!! However, I do have a couple complaints:
1. I have an ache in my lower thoracic spine on the R that will not subside.... at least, not for long. I have been using my foam roller to try and manipulate that area, a tennis ball over that spot when I drive or sit, and I have been begging Nate to try and crack my back. Where are my "big" younger brothers when I need them?!?!?
2. I have to preface this one by saying I am so happy that this has only happened 3 times. In the middle of the night/early morning I have gotten the worse leg cramp/charlie horse EVER. The first time had me in tears, and subsequent ones have been bad. Luckily, the cramp doesn't last long, but oh my goodness!! I continue to be most comfortable sleeping on my back and wonder if this has anything to do with it? I try and drink a lot of water, but maybe I need to guzzle down a few more glasses and see if that helps...
3. I get short of breath doing just about anything, including talking on the phone....while sitting still...
4. I have officially lost my mind!!! Example: This past Sunday I went to the grocery store for a few things (I even made a list) However, before I left I didn't check to see if we needed spaghetti sauce. So, when I was just about done with everything on my list (and a piece of cake that wasn't on the list) I called Nate to see if we needed sauce. After checking, he said "yes." I hung up and went over to get spaghetti noodles (last thing on the list) and the sauce. I must have been overwhelmed by picking out noodles because I completely forgot about the sauce. I did realize it when I was being checked out, but by that time it was too late. When I got home, Nate started unpacking the bags and said, "Where is the spaghetti sauce?" Need I say more...

I love that the little guy continues to be very active, and he has developed a sense of humor - He can be moving all over, kicking, punching, doing somersaults etc. and as soon as I have Nate come and feel, he STOPS. And then when Nate stops trying to feel, he starts up again. He either is stubborn or is completely relaxed and calmed by his father. Hopefully it's the latter - I can about imagine that will come in handy when he needs to be soothed at 2 in the morning :)

We all of a sudden have been thrown into VERY COLD weather. Seriously, I think I heard tonight we will be down in the 20's! I am thinking its just about time for fires in the fireplace and warm cozy clothes to come out. My dad, mom and 3 youngest siblings are in Orlando, FL for the week. I initially took the week of work to be there too. However, once I found out I was pregnant I decided to save my vacation time until the baby was here. Too bad because it'd be awful nice to be in 90 degree weather right about now! Have a great time family!!

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