Jackson Robert!!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

And time marches on

So, it’s been a little while since I've updated. On Tuesday afternoon, I went back in to have my Beta HcG level drawn again. I called the doctors office on Wednesday. After about an hour they called back to let me know my levels are looking great. On Friday, my levels were roughly 800. And on Tuesday, my levels were roughly 7,000!!!!

And, to top that off, I am definitely feeling pregnant. I do not feel well - almost all the time. I don't have nausea but my stomach is uneasy all the time. I have daily sickness, not just morning :) And I know that's a good thing. It means my hormones are changing and preparing for this pregnancy. So I say, bring on the yuckiness!!! Also, I go to the bathroom so many times a day! I used to laugh at how often my husband had to use the bathroom.... no one is laughing now! I get up at least 2-3 times a night. Grrr :)

I told my mom I was pregnant on Wednesday, after I got the good news about my lab values. Because of how early on the pregnancy is, I was really debating waiting to tell her. However, my mom and I are close - very close. And if something goes wrong, I will want her to be able to help me. Even though she and I live far apart now, she will still help.

Now, we play the waiting game. As long as nothing goes array, I will not have any further testing done until the ultrasound, which is scheduled on May 27, 2009. I will be anxiously counting down the days until then. I hope to see that the baby is in the uterus - and not my fallopian tube. I hope to see a heartbeat. I hope we get a due date. I hope we hear everything looks great. I hope I hope I hope....

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