Jackson Robert!!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good News

On Thursday night, May 7, 2009 I took a pregnancy test after being a little late. The test was positive. My husband and I have been down this road before. Twice to be exact. Both did not end the way we hoped.

Back in December of 2007, I had an ectopic pregnancy. Luckily it was caught early enough, but it ended up being a very long process. I became pregnant shortly following the resolution of the ectopic pregnancy. However, at around 10 weeks, on May 7, 2008 (yes, creepy) I found out I had a miscarriage. While we don't have any answers as to why this happened (which is usually the case) I believe it was at least partly due to the methotrexate injection I was given back in January 2008 in order to resolve the ectopic pregnancy. We'll never know for sure....

Typical emotions after finding out you are pregnant I believe range from pure excitement to pure fear. Unfortunately, because of my history, I have been primarily in the fear category. Don't get me wrong, my husband and I want to have a baby more than anything, its just that once you have had your heart broken you try to be, as my husband says, "cautiously optimistic."

On Friday, May 8, I already had to go in and have labs drawn. I do not know the results yet, but they will primarily be looking at my beta HCG quant levels. I will have repeat lab draws on Tuesday, May 12 in order to compare to Fridays value. Hopefully there will be quite a difference. I will keep you posted!

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