Hi Everyone!!! Happy Belated Halloween. I was thinking how much fun it will be next year to dress the little guy up in a costume! Well, it's been a couple weeks again already since I last wrote and quite a lot has been going on. Let's see where to start...
On Wednesday October 21st, I had my 28 week doctor visit. I gained about another 4 lbs. since last visit, bringing my grand total right around 12 lbs. The doctor said that my belly is measuring right around 28 weeks so the baby must be growing right on schedule. Which, during all my baby reading lately, the baby seems to certainly putting on inches and pounds!! There is one thing the doctor is somewhat concerned about - It appears that my platelet count is low. When I had my blood work done while they were screening for my blood glucose test apparently they found out my platelet count was about 120,000. During pregnancy it is normal to have lower platelet levels, but mine are low, even for the normal pregnancy range.
At my visit they drew my blood again and said my values are stable for now, but they will continue to monitor them for the rest of the pregnancy. And if I were to go to the hospital, they will have to draw my blood and get my platelet count before having any anesthesia - mainly epidural (to be certain I wouldn't bleed out) So, I will keep you posted. Hopefully I won't have anything to worry about. The doctor also told me I don't have to come back at 30 weeks for a visit. I don't see him again until 32 weeks. FYI: I have mixed emotions about this...
On Thursday October 22 (Jake's bday) my mom and Conner (nephew) flew in. They were unfortunately delayed 5 hours, but made it nonetheless. My sister Kalyn also arrived from college. We spent Friday doing some shopping (not baby shopping really, MOM shopping) Kalyn and I both had heels on - BIG mistake. Who knew mom was a shop til you drop type all of a sudden :)
On Saturday October 24 my family (Kate, Kalyn, Courtney, Ali and Mom) had a baby shower for me. It was perfect - not too big and with great food.... and my carrot cake from Carl's Cakes! YUM. I got to see some extended family, some friends and some co-workers too. However, I missed Leah, Meli and Emma who were unable to be there. I was overwhelmed by all the "baby gear" we got, and overwhelmed by everyones generosity!! This little boy is lucky to have so many people who already love him. We got so many books - I can't wait to read to the little man.
Nate continues to work on the nursery, but at his own pace. Which means we have a ways to go :) I am anxious to get the whole room put together but it looks like I have at le
ast a few weeks to wait. I am trying to be patient.... I said TRYING.
Our little boy continues to be very active. It is so much fun to watch my whole stomach move as he flips and turns around. I feel like we are both already starting to feel like we have no space left, which isn't a good sign since we have 10 weeks left. I wish I knew what body parts I was feeling because he is definitely able to be felt. Nate tells me to stop poking at him - I push on different parts of my stomach because he'll move away from me :)
Tonight we spent over an hour raking the leaves in the front of our house - not the sides or the backyard. Good exercise, but hard. Work is continuing to go well. My back is still sore at times, but nothing too severe. I haven't noticed any swelling in my feet yet. Sleep continues to be hit or miss. For about the past week I have had a bad cough. It makes sleep even more difficult. I hope it goes away soon or I may call the doctor just to be certain its not something more serious.
28 weeks, 1 day (10/21/09)

30 weeks, 5 days: (11/8/09)